Saturday, February 24, 2007

Bill O'Reilly and Tim Hardaway's Remarks

Here is a letter I wrote to Bill O'Reilly of the "The O'Reilly Factor" on the FOX News channel. It has to do with the way this otherwise staunch defender of freedom of expression budges to the liberal-progressive agenda. Mr. O'Reilly and a guest of his implied in the Factor that former pro basketball star Tim Hardaway had a sickness-type condition of thinking homophobic thoughts.

Unfortunately, Mr. Hardaway is not the best representative of the freedom of thought camp either. He heartily offered his apology for his anti-homosexual remarks (link takes you only to the search results in Google, so you don't have to visit a homosexual perversion web site unless you choose to.) However, the fact that Hardaway is a push-over only reveals that there is no true freedom of thought and speech in the US on certain issues. If one is to express their honest opinion of disapproval of the homosexual agenda they are threatened with left-wing and pro-homosexual paranoid propaganda. It would have been acutally quite amazing if Hardaway had stuck with his right to freedom of speech.

> Dear Mr. O’Reilly,

I appreciate your show and it indeed is a no spin zone. You do not let leftist and socialist agenda get by without making a point of their bigoted manner of approaching an argument or an opponent. I have respect for your moral and intellectual bravery to stand up to the mainstream “progressive liberalism” in this country. Their nonsense should be exposed for what it is – nonsense. And you do that well.

However, I think you made a serious mistake last night (Thursday, 2-15-2007). Your report and commentary, alongside that of the gentleman from the group that studies “hate and extremism,” regarding Mr. Hardaway’s remark on gays was off.

Mr. Hardaway has the right to freedom of thought and freedom of speech. He has the right to be homophobic and to not like gays. Even more so he has the right to think so and say so in public. This is a fundamental constitutional right in this country.

Mr. Hardaway finds gay behavior an imposing presence, were it in society and/or in his more private circles, and perhaps he has a reason. In the quote from him you showed, he clearly said that he does not like to have gay people in his locker room. He is absolutely right. Would you be comfortable with women staring at you while you’re changing your underwear? Why should gay men, of the conviction that other men are a sexual object to their “sexual preference,” should be allowed in the same locker room as those who are just athletes looking to change and relax in the privacy of the facility, and not to engage in flirtations or a more heated exchange? I find this concern of Mr. Hardaway’s very reasonable.

You and your guest went further in your denial of Mr. Hardaway’s right to his opinion. You even said something to the effect that he not only said this bad thing about gays and that he hates gays, but that he thinks that (the anti-homosexual attitude), that he carries it with him. What are you implying here? That he has no freedom of thought? That Mr. Hardaway is obliged to think only along the gay-rights agenda and to take a perversion and agree to it without being able to allow himself to entertain a different opinion? This type of self-censorship due to fear of law suits or of just plain becoming a target of the militant gay activism has already done substantial damage to the free thought in the US.

This suggestion of yours is scary because it proves the point of how far the leftist propaganda and bigotry have gone in this nation in changing the way people think, or are allowed to think. You are the no spin icon for hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Americans. If you agree with your guest who studies hate, that freedom of thought and freedom of speech are a “disorder” which has to be “treated,” the establishment of tyranny is only months away in the US. Shall we expect that free speech and dissent from the mainstream beliefs should be treated as a sickness to society and such people should be locked up in hospitals, until they are “healed” from their different world view?

I am sure you know that this is what the Nazis and the communists did to all who disagreed with their propaganda. In Russia and Eastern Europe people used to be locked in psychiatric wards for religious beliefs which were not “scientific” and out of line with the “party line” and the “socialist realism.” We will obviously soon see thought police established in America in order to tell us what we are not to hate and what we are to like if the ACLU and the gay-lobbyists and the socialist left have their way.

To forcefully impose acceptance of homosexuality as a standard that should be promoted and accepted uncritically is beyond what I imagined you would agree to. But obviously you have. At least to some extent. I understand that you come under a lot of pressure. But your lumping Mr. Hardaway with extremists and terrorists, implicit by your remarks and those of your guest, is reprehensible. Tim Hardaway has the right to express his personal and moral outrage with homosexuals and their behavior. This right is given him by the Constitution of the United States. And, obviously, by his own conscience.

It would be a prudent act for you to offer Mr. Hardaway your apologies for infringing on his right to freedom of thought, opinion and speech by comparing him with terrorists and extremists and by strongly implying that he must not be allowed to think the way he does.

Yet this is up to you to decide. I will not stop watching your show, because on many other issues I think you are right on. I’m sure this brings you a littlecomfort. I perceive you to be a man who stands for freedom and for what is right in the culture clash in the US. I encourage you to not change that.

Kind regards,

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A Welcome Message

This site has some links, news, and comments regarding freedom of conscience, freedom of religion and freedom of speech. These are all inter-related. My concern is especially with the violation of Christian freedom to speak about the collapsed morality of this world and its inability to uphold what is right, true, honorable and godly. This is not an evangelistic site per se, I do not discuss the ultimate goal of one's life - to find salvation and relationship with God in Jesus Christ. It is rather a place to get a perspective on the clash of religious views, and civilizational values in today's world. The Bible is clear in its teaching that followers of Christ will be persecuted for his name's sake (Matthew 5, Jonn 15, 1 Timothy 2), and I am not trying to change that. However, it is worthwile pointing it out, so that people who love the truth can find out more about it, and make up their own minds.

A word on "anonymous" web sites: some withhold their names for safety, some for not wanting to be responsible for their postings, others for not wanting attention drawn to their personality and wanting to avoid the vanity of attention. It's up to you to make your call why my profile in this blog is stripped down to the bare minimum.