Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Publication Pulls Down Cartoon Not to Offend Muslims


Read a related blog commentary here.

Bill Keller Speaks on Islam and Is Attacked By Islamic Fundamentalist Group

Telvision evangelist boldly proclaims his disagreement with the religion of Islam. CAIR an American based Muslim organization successfully sabotaged his show by putting pressure on Florida CBS tv station. Here is what Keller had to say about Islam. For some it is hate speech but there is no incitement to hate anyone whatsoever. This case proves how weak willed the American media is when it comes to pressure from Islamic groups who want to silence by force all different opinions from their own. And how prejudiced against Christians who make their view public without apologizing for it. Islam does not know or recognize freedom of speech or freedom of religion. Their goal obviously is to impose the same islamic standards to the US and the West.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

ACLU Defends Devil Worshipers

It only makes sense that the ACLU would defend the Wiccans. Both organization serve the same master.

This is old news but I am re-posting it. I had to remove the posting from my archive because Yahoo! News usually "kill" the link to their news after a few days. These links take you to web sites taht don't do that and keep the pages up and running.

Here is the story in a conservative-Christain web site and in Fox News.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Why Does America Support a Fanatical Kingdom of Islamists?

The kingdom in question is Saudi Arabia. Why is America supporting these people? (Or rather thier royal government.) Money, and ill-conceived policies are the most likely answers. Saudi's can come to America and not only do business but express their Islamic religious views. If you want to bring your Bible visiting their country however, or just wear a cross on your necklace - you will get in trouble with their authorities. Yet another example that politics and truth are two categories far removed from each other, as far as upholdig freedom of religion in the international arena by the US is concerned.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

European Blogger Cannot Support a Lukewarm Church Position on Islam

Interesting theological and political view on why Chrisitanity is not attractive to this European blogger. A quote from his article The Outcome of Two Cultural Revolutions: While China Turns Christian, Europe Turns Muslim:

My main problem with wholeheartedly supporting the Church is that it is, at
best, lukewarm in defending the West by confronting Islam. If there is such a
thing as evil then Islam is evil. If the Church cannot recognize that, then what
good is it? Give me some determined and armed atheists who fight for their
children’s freedom rather then some lukewarm Christians who engage in dialogue
with Muslims.

And type here the rest of it.

Mandatory Support of Public Display of Perversion for San Diego City Employees

Intersting that can't be a Christian in the US Army but must be a homosexual supporter, or else, in the US (San Diego) Fire Department. The story - here. And type here the rest of it.

Monday, August 06, 2007

US Army Ivestigates Christian Servicemen for Their Faith

Separation of church and state or separation of man and faith? Freedom of religion has been brutally violated in American military. This is intolerable “probing” into the faith of Christian believers in the US Army, whose “ethics violation” is that they are believers in Jesus Christ and share their faith without remorse. While there is no problem accepting homosexuals in the army it is evidently morally reprehensible conduct to be a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Read the report here in San Francisco online newspaper. Read more about this “serious investigation” here, another San Franciscan newspaper.

Boo! People in uniform said that they favor an evangelical Christian organization! We must deal away with this unethical and immoral behavior in the army! How can you believe in Christ and share your faith with other members of the military!? You leave your faith at the gate of the barracks, before you enter!

This is a true separation of “church and state”. An army officer is supposed to say good things only about gays, lesbians, feminists, atheists, Wiccans, and Islamic fundamentalists. Is there anything more horrible than having a Christian say that they are such in the military?! Let’s have the homosexuals and the feminists and the PETA animal lovers/terrorists define our defense strategy and military moral codes. (Note: Not exactly PETA but a smilar radical "animal rights" organziation.)

Sarcasm aside—it is a sad day for the US and its Army when the nation known as the bulwark of freedom of religion, and mainly so because of its Christian roots, begins to persecute Christians for their expression of faith.

A Welcome Message

This site has some links, news, and comments regarding freedom of conscience, freedom of religion and freedom of speech. These are all inter-related. My concern is especially with the violation of Christian freedom to speak about the collapsed morality of this world and its inability to uphold what is right, true, honorable and godly. This is not an evangelistic site per se, I do not discuss the ultimate goal of one's life - to find salvation and relationship with God in Jesus Christ. It is rather a place to get a perspective on the clash of religious views, and civilizational values in today's world. The Bible is clear in its teaching that followers of Christ will be persecuted for his name's sake (Matthew 5, Jonn 15, 1 Timothy 2), and I am not trying to change that. However, it is worthwile pointing it out, so that people who love the truth can find out more about it, and make up their own minds.

A word on "anonymous" web sites: some withhold their names for safety, some for not wanting to be responsible for their postings, others for not wanting attention drawn to their personality and wanting to avoid the vanity of attention. It's up to you to make your call why my profile in this blog is stripped down to the bare minimum.