Sunday, October 29, 2006

European issues with freedom of speech and Islam

This article addresses issues of European inability to handle its own values and the onslaught of Islam. It offers a very interesting comparison between Islam and communism. Multiculturalism and political correctness prevent the Euro-bureaucracy from seeing and solving the issues of cultural clash between secular Western European society and Muslim immigrants. Is the EU becoming a new EUSSR with the help of relentless Islam and the overexpanded European administration? Read about it here:
The Eurabia Code, Part 3: Islamo-Stalinism

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A Welcome Message

This site has some links, news, and comments regarding freedom of conscience, freedom of religion and freedom of speech. These are all inter-related. My concern is especially with the violation of Christian freedom to speak about the collapsed morality of this world and its inability to uphold what is right, true, honorable and godly. This is not an evangelistic site per se, I do not discuss the ultimate goal of one's life - to find salvation and relationship with God in Jesus Christ. It is rather a place to get a perspective on the clash of religious views, and civilizational values in today's world. The Bible is clear in its teaching that followers of Christ will be persecuted for his name's sake (Matthew 5, Jonn 15, 1 Timothy 2), and I am not trying to change that. However, it is worthwile pointing it out, so that people who love the truth can find out more about it, and make up their own minds.

A word on "anonymous" web sites: some withhold their names for safety, some for not wanting to be responsible for their postings, others for not wanting attention drawn to their personality and wanting to avoid the vanity of attention. It's up to you to make your call why my profile in this blog is stripped down to the bare minimum.