Wednesday, April 11, 2007

All Non-Islamic Believers Are "Losers" According to African State Leader

Update: The link published in this post will no longer take you to the artilce. It is the publisher of the web site's responsibility what they do with their material. You will be asked to pay to see this article, now placed in their archives. My recommendation is that you don't waste your money.

Old post:

Follow this link to read an article reporting on the progressive views of Lybian leader Gaddaffi. Freedom of religion, or any free thought are doomed to extinction in the realm of secular and religous authority of this arrogant and ignorant man.

Added a new post, from July 25, 2007

Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin No. 439 Wed 25 Jul 2007
AFGHANISTAN: ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISTS CONTROL THROUGH TERROR -----------------------------------------------------------
One day Jesus was teaching and healing, and as he looked outover the crowds he felt great compassion for the harassed,helpless and directionless masses. So he instructed hisdisciples to ask the Lord to send out more workers/ servants(see Matthew 9:35-38).
Up to 17,000 Korean Christians serve the Lord abroad in this way,most in war-torn, volatile, hostile and 'restricted access'nations. There are around 100 South Korean Christians from adozen humanitarian organisations and churches presently engagedin voluntary work in war-torn Afghanistan. Since 2002, some 400-500 South Koreans have visited Afghanistan every year in responseto the Lord's sending. They do voluntary work in health,education, agriculture, information technology and other fieldsfor the benefit of the people.
In early August 2006, Korean Christian professionals with theInstitute of Asian Culture and Development (IACD <http://www/>, a Seoul-based Christian humanitarian-aid group thathas run medical clinics in Afghanistan since January 2002) weresuddenly deported. The IACD had organised a three-day 'PeaceFestival' to celebrate five years of Korean aid work inAfghanistan. The festival was to include a medical conference,a round-table on reconstruction and two soccer games at Kabul'sOlympic Stadium between Afghanistan's national team and aKorean team. The group's director, Kang Sung Han, said the aimof the festival was to give ordinary Koreans and Afghanis theopportunity to interact and have fun. But when Muslim clericsprotested, the festival was cancelled and the Koreans weredeported, citing security concerns. According to Radio FreeEurope/ Radio Liberty, while the clerics complained that theKoreans were actively proselytising, a spokesman for the chiefof the Afghan National Police said there was absolutely noevidence to support that, adding that if there had been anyevidence then the police would have 'put them in jail accordingto the law'. In order to maintain their hold over the people,the clerics are depriving the people of a future.
On Thursday 19 July 2007, Taliban militants in Ghazni Provincekidnapped 23 South Korean Christians who were in Afghanistandoing medical and humanitarian volunteer work. The Koreans,most of whom are nurses, are members of the Presbyterian'Saemmul Church' in Bundang near Seoul. They were en route tovisit a kindergarten in Kandahar which serves some 100destitute children and war orphans when they were ambushed andkidnapped. The Taliban is threatening to kill the hostagesunless South Korea withdraws its forces (which are non-combatant,engaged only in reconstruction) and the Afghan governmentreleases the 23 Taliban prisoners held in Ghazni Province. Thisis the largest contingent the Taliban has ever captured.Because the group is so large the Taliban might drag thenegotiations along, releasing one hostage (bargaining chip) ata time. They might also feel that because there are so many,they can afford to kill a few to increase the pressure on thetwo governments. On 24 July, Afghani villagers in Ghaznidemonstrated peacefully in the streets for the release of theKorean hostages. Once again, Islamic fundamentalists arerobbing the people and exerting control through repression andterror.
South Korea has now banned its citizens from travelling toAfghanistan, one of the neediest places on earth.
* God to give the Korean Christian hostages all the grace,strength, endurance, courage and wisdom they need to bringblessings to Afghanis and honour and glory to the Lord in theirnew circumstances, which are doubtless exceedingly unpleasant.
* God to protect all those who have left home and family, andsacrificed security and comfort to go into Afghanistan in orderto help and serve traumatised, needy Afghanis; and may the Lordin his mercy deliver the Korean believers to safety.
* the Holy Spirit of God to draw into humble dependent (or evenjust desperate) prayerfulness, all those who are in Afghanistanto further freedom and civilisation for the benefit of the people(God's creation). May they learn dependence, and rejoice in thefaithfulness of the Lord our deliverer. (Prayer - Psalm 140:6-8).
* the Taliban, al Qaeda, and all other enemies of civilisation inAfghanistan to be profoundly defeated. Pray that the 'sword ofGod will strike them'. (Isaiah 31:8 NLT)
SUMMARY TO USE IN BULLETINS UNABLE TO RUN THE WHOLE ARTICLE -----------------------------------------------------------
Islamic fundamentalists exert control through threats and terror. If Afghanis are to have a future that includes health, education, progress, prosperity, liberty and joy, then these Islamic fundamentalists must be profoundly defeated. The Taliban are holding 23 Korean Christian volunteer workers as hostages in Ghazni Province, and are threatening to kill them if their demands are not met. Because they have so many 'bargaining chips', the Taliban might draw out the negotiations and release the hostages slowly; they also might kill a few to increase the pressure. The Koreans, who come from the Presbyterian 'Saemmul Church' in Bundang near Seoul, are in a desperate situation. May God have mercy on them, and may 'the sword of the Lord' deliver them, and Afghanistan, from the grip of Islamic fundamentalists.
----------------------------------------------------Previous RLPs may be viewed at

A Welcome Message

This site has some links, news, and comments regarding freedom of conscience, freedom of religion and freedom of speech. These are all inter-related. My concern is especially with the violation of Christian freedom to speak about the collapsed morality of this world and its inability to uphold what is right, true, honorable and godly. This is not an evangelistic site per se, I do not discuss the ultimate goal of one's life - to find salvation and relationship with God in Jesus Christ. It is rather a place to get a perspective on the clash of religious views, and civilizational values in today's world. The Bible is clear in its teaching that followers of Christ will be persecuted for his name's sake (Matthew 5, Jonn 15, 1 Timothy 2), and I am not trying to change that. However, it is worthwile pointing it out, so that people who love the truth can find out more about it, and make up their own minds.

A word on "anonymous" web sites: some withhold their names for safety, some for not wanting to be responsible for their postings, others for not wanting attention drawn to their personality and wanting to avoid the vanity of attention. It's up to you to make your call why my profile in this blog is stripped down to the bare minimum.